About Us

About our company

Zero To Hero Dive is a Local Dive Center in Gili Trawangan. We aim to provide the best Scuba Diving experience in Gili Trawangan according to the huge passion we have develop for the sport throughout the years. We offer all level of SSI diving courses & fun dives for the whole family. 

After years of teaching Scuba Diving on the island, we decided to move on and to create our own dive center. We lauched Zero to Hero Dive according to our values. Our goals are to offer the best environment of training for our fellow gili heroes. Get all the attention you deserve away from the crowd of big dive shop. 

Zero To Hero Dive in Gili Trawangan takes great pride in working along the SSI Standards.

Meet our team

Our dedicated team offers a wide array of attractions and activities for each and every one of their guests. We teach, guide, train, share knowledge and take care of our natural environment.

Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) & Founder
Made astawa
Instructor & Co-Founder
Kiki Saskia
Hardian Ang